Wednesday, August 22, 2007

This is Ron and Danielle
We received a phone call from Ron on Saturday Aug. 18, 2007. He asked if we were still interested in adoption. And of course said yes. He said they didn't know the sex of the baby as of yet. He said that they were working with another adopted couple but that couple ended up pregnant and no longer decided to work with them on adoption. So he was looking at the Arizona Adoption website and found our profile posted. He immediate called my cell phone right there and then. He was a blessing to receive a phone call like that. It was really exciting for us. The birth parents are willing to work with LDS family services and have made an appoint for Thursday. They will let us know how it went. In the mean time we went to Prescott to met them. We had a really good time. We ate at a restaurant at Gurley's Grill. It was delish and we talked alot. They mentioned they would like to be in the delivery room for moral support. We discussed names for the baby. When we got there they wanted to let us know that they found out the sex of the baby. It's another girl. Heavenly Father sure is trying to tell us something. Since this is the third girl we have had this far. Danielle says she wants to go to Message Therapy later and Ron is wanting to work on his GED. She was very appreciative of all the information we willingly gave her about us. They are really firm about their decision on adoption. We will keep you posted on more to come.


Hanna said...

Oh JILL! That is such good news! Is Ron the baby's father??? When is Danielle due?

She looks very sweet and I'm glad you enjoyed getting to know her.

You're too right that a little girl is obviously what Heavenly Father is trying to bring your way.

I can't wait to hear more.

5littlenordstroms said...

Hey, glad to see you update this thing. I am really excited for you and glad that it didn't take long for you to get another couple. They really do look young but what a blessing that they are being so grown up about their decision. I hope it all goes well. You will be in my prayers. Love ya! now just keep writing so I can spend more time being addicted to blogging.

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