Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Kassie's 2nd Birthday

She loved the cake and loved that everyone was there. She would not for the life of her take a nap. I was hope she would so she would be in a good mood but didn't happen. We love her and love celebrating the day she was brought into this world. We didn't get to be there when she was born but we were able to see her two weeks later. We love Mama Kassie and thought she was so brave. She loved this little girl. We are grateful for her and all she did
to let us raise baby Kassie.
The day we were asked to come visit Kassie in the hospital we got to meet Mama Kassie and Nana Paula. They welcomed us with open arms and made us feel really good about us being there. We had lots of good talks while sitting there getting all the paperwork done. It was like we had known each other for years. We will never forget the day we got to meet all these wonderful people that gave us our baby.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Update on life for now

Well Kassie is turning 2 next saturday. She is growing so fast. She can say lots of words. Momma, Daddy, Bubba, nigh night, mickey, outside, up, babie, more, bite, and on and on it goes. She is a pistle though. She was going through this hitting stage and already growing out of that. She just loves to sing funny songs with Dad and riding the quad and jumpin on the trampoline. She is still one of our babies and can't wait to see what she does next.

Hunter is talking alot too. He can say Dada, Mom, Sissy, Hot, Everything is Hot.
He is just a sweet little boy. He grew out of the loving stage and into the independant stage. He doesn't want mommy anymore he wants his dad. He has a fit when dad leaves the house or leaves without him on the quad. And he squeals like a girl. But when he is tired and wants to eat he knows who loves him the most and will take care of his needs. Mommy! Thats me.

Devin started school on the second course for Power plant school. As I call it. Still no word on jobs. And still no word on the house. We are just sitting ducks. I started Dance this fall already and the kids are cute as ever. I love teaching dance it really is a passion for me. We are trying to keep busy with kids and looking for work but staying strong with family prayer with our little family. We hope you all are doing good and heathly and hope to hear from you soon.

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