Sunday, March 8, 2009

I've been tagged

8 Item Tag

Here are the rules:
1)Post the rules on your blog.
2)Answer the six '8' items on the tag.
3)I tag: Dustin, Dianne, Nikki, Amy, Cassie, Keara, Hanna, and Ashley

8 Favorite TV Shows:
1. John and Kate plus 8 (but really sick of how she treats him)
2. How I met your mother
3. Charmed
4.Grey's Anatomy
5. Ugly Betty
6. So you think you can dance
7. Lost
8. Heros

8 Things I did Yesterday:
1. Went to High School Play "Oklahoma"
2. Attempted to Clean House
3. Internet
4. Did my first Quiz in Medical Transcribing
5. Went to Flee Market
6. Made plans for Tax returns

8 Things To Which I'm Looking Forward:
1. Spring
2. Summer(Swimming
3. Losing 50 pounds(40 left)
4. Another baby
5. Camping with Friends this Summer
6. Organizing
7. Yard Work
8. Making extera money

8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Café Rio
2. Fiesta Mexicana
3. Schloskey's
4. Macaroni Grill
5.Texas Road house
6. Fiajtas
7. I Hop
8. Mongollon Grill

8 Things on My Wish List:
1. To add on to my house with a bigger Master bedroom and Garage
2. Vacations
3. Adopt maybe two more babies
4. Payoff Debt
5. Have my own dance studio someday
6. Stay home when my babies need me.
7. Have a normal body.
8. Just to have a long vacation with me and my husband.


Brittney said...

I laughed when I saw you didn't have 8 things on what you did yesterday because when you have two little babies, you probably never feel like you ever get anything done BUT I would imagine you could add changed 20 diapers and chased babies all day. :) Hopefully you get a few items checked off your wish list soon. You deserve it. It sounds like it's been a pretty eventful year for your family.

Barnes Blog said...

I had no idea you wanted more babies. I thought you were done. We'll keep you in our prayers.
It was so good to see you. Thank you so much for the super cute hat.
I wish we could be closer, this last visit was really hard for me to come back to IA, the weather here stinks.
:) Can't wait to visit again.

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